Thursday, September 2, 2010

Here's to the Fall

Roughly one hour from now Wake Forest and Presbyterian will kick off, finally commencing the college football season. You better believe I'll have ESPN3 pulled up, beer in hand. Although it is one of many games on a relatively uninspiring Thursday night slate, I'm beyond excited for the evening. I have no doubt I'll also be watching South Carolina slog their way to what promises to be a hideous victory over Southern Miss. I'm also thoroughly excited to cheer on Dave Wannstedt's mustache against Utah. Hell, I'm even excited for Lane Kiffin's late night appearance from Hawaii. We can only hope he's wearing one of these. Clearly, I'm extremely excited for the upcoming football season. Anyone reading this should definitely check out Spencer Hall's amazing piece over at Every Day Should be Saturday, found here. It inspired me to finally revive this blog, as short lived as it was in the first place. Maybe this time, the excitement and importance we find in college football will keep me motivated to continue posting.

Since I can't hope to detail the inner essence and beauty of the game as Spencer does, I can only insist you read that article. I can also insist today has me feeling those feelings. The other night, I ordered my first fall seasonal beer of 2010. The first sip immediately took me back to last fall, the fall before, the fall before that, and so on. It took me back to Auburn on a Friday afternoon, driving down Donahue through the falling leaves, reveling in the atmosphere, before the atmosphere had truly set in. Fraternity's pledges roping off tailgates, families unpacking their massive RVs, the crispness of the air. It was impossible not to feel you were on the brink of something special. As afternoon makes it's way to evening, as the alumni continue to stream into town, as visiting fans begin to invade, the feeling mounts, becomes palpable. As evening fades into the night, the feeling is everywhere. From the center of campus, to the fields littered with RVs, to the fraternity rows, to each and any of the billion apartment complexes/student homes/game day condos, it is there. It is ubiquitous, universal, pervasive. When darkness falls - as the tailgates' fires begin to light the night - the feeling comes to life. It lives through each of us as we flock to Skybar, Quixotes, 17/16. It lives through us as it brings us together. We are all there, we are all celebrating, it is all for one purpose. We don't know for certain what Saturday will bring. Whether it be wins or losses, euphoria or heartbreak, delirium or madness - we do know one thing, football season is here!